
Schaffer Collaterals 2

After we validated the Schaffer collaterals at neuron and synapse level, we validated them at network level. In particular, we reproduced one of the experiments reported in Sasaki et al. (2006), where Schaffer collaterals are stimulated at different intensities with and without Gabazine (an antagonist of GABAA receptors). As in the experiment, the feedforward inhibition linearises the I-O response, while the I-O response saturates quickly when the inhibition is blocked. We repeated the simulations over three different slices.

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M-type (12)


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Simulation and slice seed (5)

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Stimulus percent (11)

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Max SC (1)

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Inhibition (2)

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Spike Time
Spike Time
Mean Firing Rate

Distribution of neuron firing rate. We excluded first 1000 ms and sampled a maximum of 100 random neurons*.

No data available.

[*] We may see an empty mean firing rate plot, even though there are spikes in the network (see Spike Time section). This is because the plot is based on a sample of 100 neurons, none of which may spike at low firing rates.
