About the hub
The Hippocampus Hub brings together free research tools and services, and learning resources for scientists and students interested in the hippocampus. It aims to provide a unique resource and bring together those interested in the hippocampus to create an active community.
The Hub features two main functionalities: workflows and tools to build models, and online services to interactively explore previously built models.
The Hub is for all: students, experimental scientists, computational neuroscientists, interested members of the public. We also hope that the Hub inspires experimental scientists to contribute data and that modelers may help in advancing the models. We are therefore happy to hear from you with potential collaboration ideas and projects (see Terms & Conditions for more details). If you are interested in using the Hub for commercial or industrial purposes, please contact us for more information.
The Hub is developed and operated jointly by two organizations, the Institute of Biophysics, National Research Council (Italy) and the Blue Brain Project, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland).