
Voltage - Calcium Scan

Changing the extracellular ionic concentrations is known to alter excitability of neurons. To model this effect, we varied over a realistic range changes in extracellular calcium and the tonic depolarization resulting from varying extracellular potassium concentration. Here, we report that for restricted parameter ranges only variable and irregular theta activity was generated in CA1.

1. Select a volume section
2. Select extracellular conditions
3. Select cell types

M-type (12)


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Spike Time
Mean Firing Rate
Spike Time

Spike time plot not available

Mean Firing Rate

Distribution of neuron firing rate. We excluded first 1000 ms and sampled a maximum of 100 random neurons*.

Mean firing rate data not available

[*] We may see an empty mean firing rate plot, even though there are spikes in the network (see Spike Time section). This is because the plot is based on a sample of 100 neurons, none of which may spike at low firing rates.


Trace data not available