
Theta - Oscillatory input

To model the transmission of theta activity from CA3 to CA1, we generated individual random spike trains for each SC axon modulated by sinusoidal rate function (range 4-10 Hz). Here, we report how this induced a highly regular theta activity in CA1 that matched the stimulus frequency with homogeneous phase response of different morphological types.

1. Select a volume section
2. Select extracellular conditions
3. Select cell types

M-type (12)


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Spike Time
Mean Firing Rate
Spike Time

Spike time plot not available

Mean Firing Rate

Distribution of neuron firing rate. We excluded first 1000 ms and sampled a maximum of 100 random neurons*.

No data available.

[*] We may see an empty mean firing rate plot, even though there are spikes in the network (see Spike Time section). This is because the plot is based on a sample of 100 neurons, none of which may spike at low firing rates.
